Issue Based Analysis

Dear Society, Do you know what we millennials are watching?

Dear Society, Do you know what we millennials are watching?

As a millennial student just about to begin her college studies, I am here today to bring to your attention matters that concern not only my, but perhaps my entire generation’s future. Much has been written about us millennials over the years in mainstream media and much will continue to be written, as you try to worry about us. I contemplated long and hard as to whether I must write to you directly or not, whether it was my place to do so, but I have decided that I must ask you some crucial questions.

Holi: Let the subaltern speak - Part 2

Holi: Let the subaltern speak - Part 2

“attempts to speak for the subaltern, to enable the subaltern to speak or even to listen to the subaltern can very easily end up silencing the subaltern”.

Having discussed the subaltern celebrations of Holi in detail in Part 1 - we will turn our gaze towards some of the most common criticisms raised in context of Holi, with a commitment to decoloniality and not simply “anti-oppressiveness”, which is a classic colonizing weapon and, thus, should be thoroughly investigated and not simply taken to have integrity.

Equality does not mean sameness

Equality does not mean sameness

If our backgrounds, hopes, dreams, languages, expressions, bodies and preferences are all different, then how can one feminism define us all? If we insist on boxing women into one monolithic feminism, it is bound to fail many of us as it will devolve into a competition of who can shout louder. This is when privilege steps in followed by “saviour complex”. This is exactly what is happening in Sabarimala.